'V n into n' - Construction 16
Name: | the plunge something into a state construction |
Description: | An entity or person causes a person or entity to be in a particular state. |
Verbs: | drive, plunge, send, throw |
Example: | …plunging the passageway into semi-darkness. (BNC) |
Membership: | cause; cause something to be; in a state |
Semantic fields and roles: |
Field: Causation.
Roles: NP1: Cause; NP2: Affected; prep + NP3: Result
Field: Equivalence. Roles: NP1: Causer; NP2: Carrier; NP3: Attribute Field: Location change. Roles: NP1: Cause-move; NP2: Mover-abstract; NP3: Location |