'V n with n' - Construction 21

Name: the temper something with something construction
Description: A person or an entity adds one abstract entity to another, with a negative or positive result.
Verbs: cover, fill, lace, lard, load, overlay, overload, suffuse, surround, sweeten, temper, hedge about, pad out
Example: I urge the court to temper justice with mercy ... (enTenTen20)
Membership: transfer 'with'; action; figurative
Semantic fields and roles: Field: Causation. Roles: NP1: Cause; NP2: Affected; prep + NP3: Result
Field: Equivalence. Roles: NP1: Causer; NP2: Carrier; NP3: Attribute
Field: Change. Roles: NP1: Agent; NP2: Affected; NP3: Means
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