Pattern: V to n

The pattern can be best understood by viewing the interactive construction network link above.

To examine the individual constructions please see the tables below:

...before the clients cotton on to what is happening. (BNC)
I want to talk to you now. (BNC)
Sara, listening to him, felt her heart expand with sweetness. (BNC)
Instead, they may switch to holding other currencies. (BNC)
Now let's turn to the next question. (BNC)
1. the convert to something construction2. the increase to a quantity construction3. the progress to a role construction4. the switch to something construction5. the buckle down to a task construction6. the turn to a topic construction7. the belong to construction8. the resound to construction
9. the point to something construction10. the correspond to something construction11. the talk to someone construction12. the signal to someone construction13. the listen to someone construction14. the warm to something construction15. the condescend to someone construction16. the grovel to someone construction
17. the attend to someone construction18. the give to someone construction19. the adapt to a situation construction20. the react to a situation construction21. the admit to something construction22. the refer to something construction23. the agree to something construction24. the swear to something construction
25. the cotton on to something construction26. the conform to something construction27. the connect to something consrtruction28. the transfer to something construction29. the attend to something construction30. the aspire to something construction31. the appeal to someone construction32. the pass to something construction
33. the come to one's mind construction34. the journey to somewhere construction35. the flock to somewhere construction36. the live to a date construction37. the lead to something construction38. the bleed to death construction39. the grind to a halt construction40. the drop off to sleep construction
41. the coast to victory construction42. the awaken to find construction

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